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Christine Richardson
Animal Communication
Christine Richardson is an intuitive, dog-loving, storytelling animal communicator and shaman. She specializes in remote work and can connect to all animal types, living or in spirit, with only a picture and permission. Her abilities can offer insight into behavioral problems, understanding end of life concerns, gaining perspective on a situation from the animal’s perspective, connect to animals who have passed and even gain insight into an animal’s soul purpose with their person. Trained in Celtic Shamanism and Animal Communication, Christine has empowered hundreds of clients by connecting them to the thoughts and feelings of their pets as well
as the wisdom of their guides.
Christine is offering telepathic animal communication sessions supplemented with Spirit led oracle cards (deck chosen by the client) for additional insight. Audio recording is permitted 15 and 30 minute sessions. Please bring the following:
• A picture of your animal, alive or passed, where I can see their face.
• If the animal is not yours, bring written permission from the owner for this session (wild animals do not apply).
• One question for your animal…we will ask more if time allows.
• An open heart and mind